Subject: Modified Assured Career Progression Scheme (MACPS):Clarification regarding grant of financial benefit to Hindi Officers.

The matter regarding grant of financial Upgradation under MACP Scheme to those Hindi Officers, who have been initially appointed as Hindi Translators -grade II, after qualifying the Departmental examination, was referred to the Ministry for clarification as to whether, the appointment of such Hindi Translators is to he treated as fresh appointment or promotion, for grant of benefit under MACP Scheme

DOP&T vide ID No. 61550/12/CR dated 14,11.2012 has now clarified that such appointment shall be treated as direct recruitment and past service/promotion will not be counted for the benefits under ACP/MACP Schemes, in terms of clarification point of doubt No. 6 issued vide DOP&T F. No.
35034/I/97—Estt (D) (Vol. IV) dated 10.2.2000 circulated under AN/XI/11051/ACI’ dated 17.2,2012.
