Showing posts with label dopt order. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dopt order. Show all posts

Compilation of vacancies in the Personal Assistant (PA) grade of CSSS for the Select List Year-2012

Compilation of vacancies in the Personal Assistant (PA) grade of CSSS for the Select List Year-2012


Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Personnel and Training

3rd Floor, Lok Nayak Bhawan,
Khan Market, New Delhi-110003.
Date: 15th July, 2013.


Subject: Compilation of vacancies in the Personal Assistant (PA) grade of CSSS for the Select List Year-2012.

The undersigned is directed to say that this Department has been calculating the vacancies in the PA grade on centralised basis by preparing the Post Based Reservation Roster (PBRR) since SLY-2011. Since the period of SLY-2012 i.e. from 1.7.2012 to 30.6.2013 has been completed, the process of compilation of exact number of vacancies in the PA grade for the SLY-2012 needs to be initiated. The vacancies arisen on account of retirement in the PA grade and promotion to the PS Grade will be assessed centrally by this Department for which post based reservation rosters (PBRRs) will be prepared in this Department. In order to calculate the exact number of vacancies in the PA grade for SLY- 2012 arisen due to other reasons such as deputation, resignation, pre-mature retirement, death, absorption, etc., additional information will be required from the Cadre Units of CSSS.

2. For compilation of this information, some proformae have been devised which are enclosed as Annexures I to VII to this O.M. As such, all Cadre Units are requested to furnish the requisite information properly in the prescribed Annexures to this Department positively by 5.8.2013 so as to enable this Department to prepare the PBRRs in respect of PA Grade and calculate the vacancies for the Select List Year 2012.



Consolidated orders on relaxation in upper age limit allowed to various categories of government servants- regarding

No. 15012/2/2010-Estt.(D)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
(Department of Personnel & Training)

New Delhi, dated the  27th
March, 2012


Subject:-  Consolidated orders on relaxation in upper age limit allowed to various categories of government servants- regarding

The undersigned is directed to invite attention to this Department’s Notification No. 2/101/72-Estt(D) dated 07.03.1974 and to  say that since then a number of instructions allowing relaxation in upper age to Central government servants for recruitment to various categories of posts under the Central government have been issued.  For the facility of reference and guidance, the content of the important/relevant O.M’s/orders on the subject have been consolidated.  The number  and  date  of  original O.M.’s  have been referred under each category for easy reference to the context.

Continue reading-click here

Optimisation of Direct Recruitment to civilian posts

No. 2/8/2001-PIC
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pension
Deptt. of Personnel & Training


North Block, New Deihi
Dated. 14th September, 2006

Subject:- Optimisation of Direct Recruitment to civilian posts

Reference : (i) DoPT O.M. No 2/8/2001-PIC dated 16-05-2001

(ii) DoPT O.M. of even number dated 30-08-2006


Your attention is invited to the above references and also to the other O.M.s which have been issued in this connection by DoPT, from time to time. Vide DoPT O.M. dated 30-08-2006, the Scheme of Optimization of Direct Recruit to Civilian posts has been extended upto 31st March, 2009, subject to a review being undertaken after receipt of the 6,h Pay Commission recommendations.

2. In view of the above, all Ministries/Departments are advised to immediately review the position regarding holding of Screening Committee Meetings. If there is a backlog of meetings, the same may be cleared without delay. The current year’s meeting should also be held expeditiously.

3. Indents of such Direct Recruitment posts, which have been cleared by the Screening Committees, should be placed well in time with the Recruiting Agencies, so that no dislocation is caused in the schedule of holding of the Recruitment Examinations.

4. In this connection, it is also pertinent to mention that the Department Related Parliament Standing Committee on Personnel, Public Grievances and Pension, Law and Justice, in their 14th Report have expressed concern over delays in filling up of Direct Recruitment vacancies.

5. All Ministries/Departments are therefore requested to ensure holding of Screening Committee Meetings regularly, so that indents could be placed, with

Director (JCA)

Flexible Complementing Scheme for Scientists

Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pension
Department of Personnel & Training

New Delhi,dated 9th Nov., 1998


Sub:    Flexible Complementing Scheme for Scientists in various scientific departments - recommendations of the Fifth Central Pay Commission for modification  of the Scheme- regarding.


Department of Personnel & Training Establishment (D)







From which date the various

provisions of consolidated

instructions on seniority


Unless specifically, otherwise

provided against each instruction,

the said instructions are effective

from the date of the relevant O.M.

by which they were issued,



To whom the instructions on

seniority issued vide DOP&T’s


Estt.(D) dated 10.11.2010 are


The instructions on seniority

issued vide DOP&T’s


dated 11.11.2010 are applicable

in determination of seniority of the

Government servants in Central

Civil Services and Civil Posts

except such Services and Posts for

which separate principles have

already been issued or may be

issued by the Government


Whether the instructions on

seniority issued by DOP&T

are applicable to


Bodies/Banks etc.?

No. The seniority of the officers

working in PSUs/autonomous

bodies/ organisations /banks are

governed by

regulations/instructions issued by

concerned Administrative

Department/ PSUs/banks etc.


How the seniority of all direct

recruits is determined?

The seniority of direct recruit is in

the order of merit in which they

are selected for appointment on

the recommendations of UPSC or

other selecting authority. The

persons appointed as a result of

earlier selection being senior to

those appointed on subsequent



dated 11.11.2010


Whether the seniority of direct

recruits is determined by the

date of confirmation?

No. The relative seniority of direct

recruits that used to be

determined earlier according to

date of confirmation and not

original order of merit (in cases

where confirmation was in an

order different from order of merit

indicated at the time of their

appointment) has been

discontinued with effect from


O.M. No. 20011/5/90-Estt. (D)

dated 04.11.1992

6. How will the inter-se seniority

be fixed if a direct recruit

officer joins late ?

Seniority in such cases


How will the inter-se seniority

be fixed if a direct recruit

officer joins late ?

Seniority in such cases will be

determined according to O.M. No.

9/23/71-Estt.(D) dated

06.06.1978 and O.M.

No.35015/2/93-Estt.(D) Dated



How seniority of candidates of

two different panels is

determined, in case both the

panels are received on the

same date?

The seniority of candidates of two

different panels received on the

same date is determined by the

following procedure:

(i) Chronology of recommendation


(ii) Where the date of

recommendation letter is same,

chronology of Interview Board

reports and

(iii) Where both (i) and (ii) are also

same, then the chronology of

requisition made by the respective


O.M. No. 20011/1/2008-Estt.(D)

dated 11.11.2010


How seniority of candidates

is determined in case two

results of recruitment

through examination are

announced for selection to

same grade or post within the

same year.

The seniority of the candidates will

be determined as per date of

publication/announcement of

result. The candidate of the result

announced earlier shall be senior

to the candidate of the result

announced later.


How the seniority of the

promotee officer is


The inter-se seniority of a officer

promoted on the basis of the

recommendation of a DPC either

by selection or non-selection

method as per due procedure,

shall be determined as in the

feeder grade from which they are


O.M. No. 20011/1/2008-Estt.(D)

dated 11.11.2010


How seniority of a promotee

officer is determined in cases

where more than one feeder

grade is prescribed for

promotion to the higher grade

and specific quotas are given?

In such cases, the officer in each

grade assess a fit by the

Departmental Promotion

Committee shall be interpolated in

the ratio prescribed in each grade

in the Recruitment Rules for the

post, for the purpose of

determination of seniority(principle

of rota quota).


Is a SC/ST Government

servant promoted by virtue of

rule of reservation entitled to

consequential seniority?

Yes. A SC/ST Government servant

on promotion by virtue of rule of

reservation roster will be entitled

for consequential seniority.

O.M. No. 22011/1/2001-Estt.(D)



Can a General/OBC category

Government servant

promoted through a later DPC

regain his seniority of the

feeder grade on promotion to

higher grade?

No. A General/OBC category

officer promoted through a later

DPC will be placed junior to the

SC/ST category Government

servant promoted through earlier

DPC even though by virtue of rule

of reservation.

O.M. No. 22011/1/2001-Estt.(D)



What is co-relation between

seniority in a grade and

reservation roster for other



Whether a candidate is placed

in the seniority list of a grade,

as per his position in the

reservation roster or viceversa?

There is no co-relation between

seniority in a grade and the

reservation roster for the said

grade. Seniority of an officer is

determined as per order of merit

given by UPSC or selecting

authority or panel of promotion

given by DPC. A reservation

roster/points are meant only for

identifying the vacancy that goes to

a particular category of officer


How the relative seniority of

direct recruit and promotee is


The relative seniority of direct

recruit and promotee is determined

according to rotation of vacancies

between available direct recruits

and promotees which is based on

quota of vacancies reserved for

direct recruitment and promotion

respectively in the recruitment


O.M. No. 35014/2/80-Estt.(D)

dated 07.02.1986


How year of availability in

regard to determination of

relative seniority of direct

recruits and promotee is


The year of availability, both in

case of direct recruit as well as

promotee, for the purpose of

rotation and fixation of seniority is

actual date of appointment after

declaration of result/selection and

completion of pre-recruitment

formalities, as prescribed. The

year of availability is a vacancy

year in which a candidate of a

particular batch of selected direct

recruitment or an officer of a

particular batch of promotee joins

the post/service.

O.M. No. 22011/1/2006-Estt.(D)

dated 03.03.2008


Is a candidate appointed

against the carry forward

vacancy of earlier recruitment

year, allow the seniority of the

year in which the vacancy


No. The seniority of direct recruits

and promotees is delinked from the

vacancy and year of vacancy.

O.M. No. 35014/2/80-Estt.(D)

Dated 07.02.1986


What is the starting point in

the recruitment roster for the

purpose of inter-se seniority

of officers through direct

recruitment, promotion,

absorption etc.

The starting point in the

recruitment roster for the purpose

of inter-se seniority of officers

through direct recruitment,

promotion, absorption etc. will be

as per provisions contained

DOP&T’s O.M.No.28011/6/76-

Estt.(D) dated 24th June, 1978.


How the seniority of an Officer

absorbed after being on

deputation or absorbed

directly without being on

deputation determined?

The seniority of an Officer

absorbed after being on deputation

or absorbed directly without being

on deputation, If he has been

holding already (on the date of

absorption) the same or equivalent

grade on regular basis in his

parent department, is determined

from the date he has been holding

the post on deputation or the date

from which he has been appointed

on a regular basis to the same or

equivalent grade in his parent

department whichever is earlier.

The fixation of seniority in

aforesaid manner, however, will

not effect any regular promotion to

the next higher grade made prior

to the date of such absorption.

O.M. No. 22011/1/2000-Estt.(D)

Dated 27.03.2001


How seniority of two or more

surplus employees of a

particular grade in an office

determined in the event of

their simultaneous selection

for re-deployment in another


In this case, inter-se seniority in

particular grade, on re-deployment

in the latter office, would be the

same as it was in the previous


O.M. No. 9/22/68-Estt. (D) Dated



How seniority of a reemployed

officer determined?

For determination of seniority of

re-employed officer is treated as

direct recruit. Where Recruitment

Rules of the post against which

appointment is being made

prescribed re-employment as a

distinct mode of recruitment .then

The inter-se seniority of persons so

re-employed shall be determined in

accordance with order of selection.

The relative seniority of persons so

re-employed in relation to direct

recruits and promotees shall be


Where the Recruitment Rules

prescribes specific quota for each

of the categories (direct

recruitment, promotion and reemployment)

then seniority is

determined on the basis of rotation

of vacancies based on the said


In other cases, on the basis of

chronology of selection.

O.M. No. 20011/3/80-Estt(D)

Dated 16.06.1980


How the seniority of a

meritorious sports person

appointed in relaxation of

Recruitment Rules


Where sportsmen are recruited

through the Employment

Exchange or by direct

advertisement and are considered

along with other general category

candidates, they may be assigned

seniority in the order in which

they are placed in the panel for

selection. Where recruitment to a

post is through a selection made

by the Staff Selection Commission,

whether by the competitive

examination or otherwise, the

sportsmen recruited in the

department themselves should be

placed en bloc junior to those who

have already been recommended

by the Staff Selection Commission.

The inter se-seniority of

sportsmen will be in the order of



dated 4.8.1980


How the seniority of a person

appointed on compassionate

grounds is determined?

A person appointed on

compassionate ground in a

particular year is placed at the

bottom of all the candidates

recruited/appointed through direct

recruitment, promotion etc. in that

year, irrespective of date of joining

of candidate on compassionate


O.M. No. 20011/1/2008-Estt.(D)

dated 11.11.2010


How seniority of persons

selected for appointment to

different posts in the same

grade requiring different

qualification determined?

The seniority of persons selected

for appointment to different posts

in the same grade requiring

different qualifications is

determined as per provisions of

para 4.9 of O.M. No.

20011/1/2008-Estt.(D) dated


(Smita Kumar)



a) whether a Government employee who acquires disability during his service is entitled for terminal benefits;
(b) if so, the details thereof;
(c) whether mental illness or retardation is covered under the term `disability` under sections of Persons with Disabilities (Equal Opportunities, Protection of Rights and Full Participation) Act, 1995;
(d) if so, the details thereof; and
(e) if not, the reasons therefor?

Promotion of Section Officers of the CSS to Grade I (Under Secretary) of the CSS on adhoc basis regarding

Time Bound
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel. PG and Pensions
(Department of Personnel & Training)
2nd Floor, Lok Nayak Bhavan, New Delhi-110003
Dated the 28th November, 2011
Subject: Promotion of Section Officers of the CSS to Grade I (Under Secretary) of the CSS on adhoc basis regarding.
            The undersigned is to say that due to on going litigation, this Department has not been in a position to bring out Select Lists of Under Secretary after 2008 and accordingly this Department has been resorting to adhoc promotion in the grade. This Department proposes to do another round of

Draft Common Seniority List (Part) of Private Secretaries of CSSS for the Select List Year 2005-circulation thereof.


No. 3/5/2011-CS-Il(A)
Government of India  
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training

Lok Nayak Bhavan,
Khan Market, New Delhi-100003,
Dated: the 29th July, 2011.


Subject: Draft Common Seniority List (Part) of Private Secretaries of CSSS for the Select List Year 2005-circulation thereof.

The undersigned is directed to circulate herewith a draft Common Seniority List (CSL) of Private Secretaries of CSSS prepared in this Department for the Select List Year 2005 on the basis of: (a) PSs of CSSS appointed against Seniority Quota for the Select List Year 2005 and (b) PSs of CSSS appointment on the basis of the results of Limited Departmental Competitive Examination 2005 conducted by the UPSC.

2. Cadre Units are requested to circulate the Draft Common Seniority List to all the concerned officials and factual inaccuracies/deficiencies, if any, may be bought to the notice of this Department.

3. Cadre Units are also requested to furnish the details regarding the Date of Birth/Date of Regular appointment in the PS grade which are not available with this Department in respect of some officers and have been indicated by mark in the Annexure along with any inaccuracies/deficiencies, if any, within 15 days of the issuance of this O.M.,  i.e. by 16.08.2011 to enable this Department to finalize the Seniority List accordingly. Requests received after the stipulated date will not be entertained.

4. The list may please be seen/downloaded on/from the website of this Department:

-->DoP&T -->
Central Sectt. -->
Central Secretariat Stenographers Service (CSSS)  -->
Common Seniority List -->


Steno A & B



Under Secretariat to the Govt. of India

Please click here to view the "Draft Common Seniority List of Private Secretary FOR the Select List Year 2005 "

Rotational Transfer Policy (RTP) applicable to Central Secretariat stenographers’ Service personnel – consolidated instructions – regarding

No..13/1/2009-CS II
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, PG & Pensions,
Department of Personnel & Training

Lok Nayak Bhawan, Khan Market,
New Delhi, dated the 15th July, 2011


Subject: Rotational Transfer Policy (RTP) applicable to Central Secretariat stenographers’ Service personnel – consolidated instructions – regarding

In supersession of the instructions contained in OMs of even number dated 21.7.2009, 02.03.2010 and 30.07.2010 on the subject mentioned above, it has been decided that the tenure of a CSSS personnel in a particular cadre unit/Ministry/Department shall be 10 years. However, normally, an officer will be posted outside the cadre unit/Ministry/Department only upon promotion.

2. In order to ensure that officers are given exposure to working in different Ministries/Departments, he/she would be allowed to give three options (Cadre unit in case of posting upto the level of PS and Ministries/Departments in case of PPS onwards), whenever he/she is liable to be transferred out under the said policy. An effort would be made to accommodate their options to the extent possible subject to seniority and
availability of vacancies.

3. An officer, who is otherwise liable to be transferred , outside the Cadre unit/Ministry/Department as per the above policy, may not be transferred under the following circumstances:

(a) If the officer has less than 2 years of service left to superannuate, he or she will not be transferred provided there is a vacancy available in that grade in the concerned Ministry/Department.

(b) If the officer is superannuating within a period of 6 months and there is no vacancy available in that cadre unit, he/ she shall be given personal upgradation in the same cadre unit by keeping a vacancy in abeyance for the period in some other cadre unit.

(c) If a CSSS officer is posted with Secretary to the Government of India, he/she may be allowed to continue there provided a written request is received by the Secretary concerned in this regard. Such extended stay would be allowed uptill 3 months after the date of superannuation of the Secretary concerned. No further extension would be allowed.

In order to ensure that opportunity of working with a Secretary to Government of India is available to more officers, it has also been decided that a CSSS officer can work in the office of Secretary maximum for a period of 10 years and this would be ensured by the concerned Ministry/Department/Cadre Units while posting an official in the office of the Secretary to the Government of India. However, this condition will not apply in case of Sr.PPS/PSOs as normally there is only one such post available in any Ministry/Department.

(d) PMO, Cabinet Secretariat and offices of Attorney General and Solicitor General of India would be exempted from the above policy.

4. It has also been decided that if an officer of CSSS is not relieved within 45 days of the transfer order or such period, if any, allowed by the Department of Personnel and Training, the officer shall deemed to have been relieved by the Cadre unit/Ministry/Department in which he/she has been working and thereafter, the’ officer shall not be entitled to draw any salary and allowances for the period of such overstay from the Ministry/Department from where the officer was transferred.

5. This policy would come into effect for all promotions/transfers effectiv 1st July, 2011. However, orders which have already been issued as per previous p to the above date will not be altered and will need to be implemented.

(Rajeev Kapoor)
Joint Secretary to the Government of India

Declaration of Holiday on 14th April, 2011 – Birthday of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar



F. N0.12/2/2011-JCA-2
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
(Department of Personnel & Training)

North Block, New Delhi
Dated the 21 st March, 2011.


Subject: Declaration of Holiday on 14th April, 2011 – Birthday of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar.

It has been decided to declare Thursday, the 14th April 2011, as a Closed Holiday on account of the birthday of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar, for all Central Government Offices including Industrial Establishments throughout India.

2. The above holiday is also being notified in exercise of the powers conferred by Section 25 of the Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881 (26 of 1881).

3. All Ministries/Departments of Government of India may bring the above decision to the notice of all concerned.

(Dinesh Kapila)
Director to the Government of India

Stepping up of pay of Senior Direct Recruit Assistants of CSS/Pas of CSSS with that of UDCs/Steno Grade D promoted as Assistants/PAs after 1.1.2006


Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, PG & Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training

2nd Floor, Lok Nayak Bhavan, Khan Market,

New Delhi – 110003,
18th March 2011


Subject: Stepping up of pay of Senior Direct Recruit Assistants of CSS/Pas of CSSS with that of UDCs/Steno Grade D promoted as Assistants/PAs after 1.1.2006.

The undersigned is directed to refer to this Department’s OM of even number dated 22nd December 2010 regarding stepping up of pay of Senior Assistants of CSS/PAs of CSSS promoted prior to 1.1.2006 and drawing less pay than Assistants of CSS/PAs of CSSS promoted after 1.1.2006.

2. The matter regarding Stepping up of pay of Senior Direct Recruit Assistants/PAs with that of UDCs/Steno Grade D promoted as Assistants/PAs after 1.1.2006 was examined in this Division in consultation with Establishment (Pay) and Department of Expenditure. The stepping up of Senior Direct Recruit Assistants/PAs of CSS/CSSS respectively appointed prior to 1.1.2006 and drawing less pay than Assistants/PAs of CSS/CSSS promoted after 1.1.2006 is agreed to subject to the Senior DR Assistants/PAs continuously drawing more pay than junior promoted Assistants/PAs in the pre-revised pay scale.

3. All Ministries/Departments may regulate stepping up of pay of Senior DR Assistants of CSS/PAs of CSSS accordingly.

4. This issues with the approval of Department of Expenditure vide their U.O.No. 18/11/2010-Legal dated 28.2.2011.


(K.Suresh Kumar)

Under Secretary to the Government of India

Submission of Immovable Property Return for the year 2009 – List of defaulting officers of CSS


Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training

2nd Floor, Lok Nayak Bhawan, Khan Market, New Delhi
Dated the 16th March 2011


Subject :-       Submission of Immovable Property Return for the year 2009 – List of defaulting officers of CSS

      The undersigned is directed to refer this Department’s O.M. of even number dated 22nd November 2010 and subsequent reminder dated 3rd January 2011 on the subject mentioned above.

2.       In terms of CCS (Conduct) Rules, 1964, under Secretary and above level officers of the Central Secretariat Service are required to submit annual immovable property return to this Division. The Immovable Property Return (IPR) pertaining to a year is required to be submitted latest by 31st January of the following year. Accordingly, the Immovable Property Return (IPR) for the year 2009 should have been submitted to this Division by 31st January 2010. However, despite reminders and publishing the list of the defaulting officers in the website of this Department, still a large number of officers have not furnished their IPR for the year 2009 to this Department. It is more than a year now and there is no justification in not submitting the return till date.

3.       The list of officers whose IPR for the year 2009 has not yet been received in this Division is posted in the website of this Department Central Services Wing CS Division Central Secretariat Services Property Returns. Ministries/ Departments are, therefore, requested to obtain the IPR for the year 2009 from the defaulting officers presently on their rolls and send to this Department latest by 31st March 2011.

4.       If any officer fails to submit the IPR, Ministries/ Departments may initiate disciplinary action under the relevant rules. The attention of the Ministries/ Departments is also drawn to the Annual Performance Appraisal Report (APAR) format which provides for indicating the date of submission of IPR. The date of submission of the IPR may be verified from the records and if it is found that an officer has failed to submit the IPR or submitted after the due date, the Reporting/ Reviewing Officers may take this into account while writing the APAR.

( Monica Bhatia )


Blogger Labels: Submission,Immovable,Return,List,DOPT,ORDER,Government,India,Ministry,Personnel,Public,Department,Floor,Nayak,Bhawan,Khan,Market,Delhi,March,OFFICE,MEMORANDUM,Subject,November,reminder,January,Conduct,Rules,Secretary,Central,Secretariat,Service,Division,justification,Services,Returns,officer,disciplinary,action,attention,Annual,Performance,Appraisal,Report,APAR,records,account,Monica,Bhatia,Director,Source,officers,Grievances,Pensions,Ministries,Departments,website,persmin

Offer of Award of Right to Information Fellowship

Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training

North Block, New Delhi-110001
Dated March 1, 2011


T o
Ms.Shibani Ghosh, Noida
Ms.Shobha Viswanathan Iyer, Thane
Ms.Sowmya Sivakumar, Jaipur
Shri Nishikanta Mohapatra
Shri Anil Kumar Dubey


Subject: Offer of Award of Right to Information Fellowship

   This has reference to advertisement regarding award of short-term fellowships for conducting research on issues relating to Right to Information, published in various newspapers on 24' December, 2010 and your application in regard to the same.

   2. I am pleased to inform you that on the basis of your application you have been selected for award of RTI fellowship for the year 2010-11. The terms and conditions of the fellowship and the bond that is to be signed about RTI fellowships is enclosed alongwith this offer letter. The final award letter will be issued subject to your acceptance of the terms and conditions, signing of the bond, fulfillment of other formalities such as obtaining NOC from your present employer and participating in the Orientation Workshop detailed subsequently.

   3.An Orientation Workshop for the selected fellows will be held in New Delhi in the 2nd or 3rd week of March, 2011. Date and venue of the workshop' will be intimated to you later. You are requested to attend the Workshop alongwith details of specific deliverables which you will submit at the end of each month during the fellowship period, which would be suitably incorporated in the fellowship letter. Participants who are residing outside NCR region would be reimbursed 2nd class AC train fare on production of tickets and reimbursement of food bills not exceeding Rs.200 for one day for participation in the Workshop.

   4. You are requested to confirm the acceptance of the award to the undersigned by fax at telephone number 011-23093022 or by e-mail- at the earliest.

Yours faithfully,
(Sarita Nair)
Under Secretaly to the Govt. of India