Child Care Leave to Central Government employees– regarding
No. l3018/I./2010-Estt. (Leave)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, P.G. and Pensions
(Department of Personnel & Training)
New Delhi. the 30th December, 2010
Office Memorandum
Sub: Child Care Leave to Central Government employees – regarding
The undersigned is directed to say that subsequent to issue of this Department OM of even number dated 07/09/2010, this Department has been receiving references from various Departments. seeking clarifications. The doubts raised are clarified as under
1. Whether Earned Leave availed for any purpose can be converted into Child Care Leave? How should applications where the purpose of availing leave has been indicated as ‘Urgent Work’ but the applicant claims to have utilized the leave for taking care of the needs of the child. be treated?
Child Care Leave is sanctioned to women employees having minor children, for rearing or for looking after their needs like examination, sickness etc. Hence Earned Leave availed specifically for this purpose only should be converted.
2. Whether all Earned Leave availed irrespective of number of days i.e. less than 15 days, and number of spells can he converted? In cases where the CCL spills over to the next ear ‘(for example 30 days CCL from 27thDecember), whether the Leave should be treated as one spell or two spells?
No. As the instructions contained in the OM dated 7.9.2010 has been given retrospective effect all the conditions specified in the OM would have to be for fulfilled conversion of the Earned Leave into Child Care Leave. In cases where the leave spills over to the next ear, it may be treated as one spell against the year in which the leave commences.
3. Whether those who have availed Child Care Leave for more than 3 spells with less than 15 days can avail further Child care leave for the remaining period of the current year?
No. As per the OM of even number dated 7.9.2010, Child Care Leave may not be granted in more than 3 spells. Hence CCL may not be allowed more than 3 times irrespective of the number of days or times Child Care Leave has been availed earlier. Past cases may not be reopened.
4. Whether LTC can be availed during Child Care leave?
LTC cannot be availed during. Child Care leave as Child Care Leave is granted for the specific purpose of taking care of a minor child for rearing or for looking after any other needs of the child during examination, sickness etc.
(Simmi R.Nakra)
Original pdf- www.
Disciplinary jurisdiction of Election Commission of India over Government servants deputed for election duties
No. 11012(4)/2008-Estt. (A)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
(Department of Personnel and Training)
North Block,
New Delhi,
Dated the 20th March, 2008
Subject: Disciplinary jurisdiction of Election Commission of India over Government servants deputed for election duties.
The undersigned is directed to refer to the Department of Personnel and Training’s O.M. No. 11012/7/98-Estt. (A) dated 07.11.2000 (copy enclosed) on the above mentioned subject and to say that the Election Commission have observed that the Governments in many cases do not initiate proceedings promptly against Government servants on the Commission’s recommendations.
2. As per the aforementioned O.M. dated 07.11.2000, disciplinary action against officers, staff and police personnel deputed on election duties shall be governed by the principles and decisions agreed to between the Union Government and the Election Commission and as recorded by the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India in its Order dated 21.09.2000 in Writ Petition (C) No 606 of 1993 (Election Commission of India vs. Union of India and Ors.). The terms of settlement were as follows :-
“The disciplinary functions of the Election Commission over officers, staff and police deputed to perform election duties shall extend to —
(a) Suspending any officer/official/police personnel for insubordination or dereliction of duty;
(b) Substituting any officer/official/police personnel by another such person, and returning the substituted individual to the cadre to which he belongs, with appropriate report on his conduct;(C) making recommendation to the competent authority, for taking disciplinary action, for any act of insubordination or dereliction of duty, while on election duty. Such recommendation shall be promptly acted upon by the disciplinary authority, and action taken will be communicated to the Election Commission; within a period of 6 months from the date of the Election Commission’s recommendations;
(d) the Government of India will advise the State Governments that they too should follow the above principles and decisions, since a large number of election officials are under their administrative control.”
It has been brought to the notice of this Department by the Election Commission of India that in many cases the Governments concerned do not initiate promptly disciplinary action against the delinquent officials as recommended by the Commission as envisaged in the aforesaid agreement.
3. The instructions issued in terms of the DOPT’s CM. dated 07.11.2000 are, therefore, reiterated and it is emphasized that the terms of settlement have to be complied with while adhering to the provisions of the relevant disciplinary rules. The recommendations of the Election Commission made to the Competent Authority for taking disciplinary action for any act of insubordination or dereliction of duty while on duty shall be promptly acted upon by the disciplinary authority and action taken should be communicated to the Election Commission within a period of six months from the date of the Election Commission’s recommendations.
4. All Ministries/Departments are requested to bring the aforementioned Terms of Settlement and the contents of para 3 above to the notice of all concerned for information and compliance.
Yours faithfully,
Deputy Secretary to the Government of India
Original pdf-
1. | From where can I get the Specialist consultation as I am suffering from Diabetes and heart disease | Either the Visiting Specialist in WC ( by Appointment ) Or In CGHS Wings of Safdarjang Hospital and Dr. RML Hospital in Delhi Or Specialists of any Govt. Organizations in Delhi and other cities Or Specialists of Pvt Empanelled Hospitals of satellite towns in NCR region upon referrals by CMO I/c of WC |
2. | I am entitled for Direct Consultation and Nursing Home facility at Govt Hospitals, Can I go directly for consultation at Govt. hospitals | Yes with prior appointment |
3. | I am entitled for Direct Consultation and Nursing Home facility at Govt Hospitals, Can I go directly for consultation at pvt empanelled Hospitals | No. Except the Specialists of Pvt Empanelled Hospitals of satellite towns in NCR region upon referrals by CMO I/c of WC |
4. | In emergency who are all entited to get treatment at Pvt Empanelled Hospital | Any beneficiary holding a Valid CGHS card. |
5. | Do I get treatment on credit in emergency at Pvt empanelled Hospital? | Yes, on production of Valid CGHS card |
6. | I want to get my Cataract Surgery done at Pvt empanelled hospital ? How can I get it done | Get a Govt. Specialist advice Pensioners to Apply to CMO I/c of WC for permission Serving employees to apply to Head of Deptt. of office |
7. | Can I get permission for any Pvt Hospital of my choice? | Yes, provided the Hospital is empanelled for that particular procedure. |
8. | How to know which Hospital is empanelled for what purposes / facilities? | Information is available on CGHS Website and on Notice boards of all CGHS WCs |
9 | Is there any updated Govt. publication on CGHS facilities available for sale? | Not at present |
10 | Is it necessary that the Govt specialist should write ”referred to CGHS empanelled Hospital “for obtaining permission | No |
11 | I am a serving CGHS beneficiary. Can I get treatment on credit at Pvt. empanelled Hospital in emergency? | Yes |
12. | Incharge does not refer me to Pvt Hospitals on my request? | As per CGHS guidelines OPD referrals are not permissible except in satellite towns of NCR |
13. | I am a serving beneficiary. Can I get treatment on credit in non-emergency on producing permission from my office? | No. You will have to make payment and claim reimbursement. |
14. | Is cost of implants reimbursed? | Yes.As per ceiling fixed by the Govt. |
15. | Can I opt for better implant by meeting extra cost over and above the ceiling? If yes,how? | Yes,you will have to give an undertaking to the Hospital to that effect. |
16. | As a serving beneficiary making payment for my treatment at Pvt.empanelled Hospital.Do I get any rebate while paying the bill? | Yes. The hospital will allow 5°h rebate on the bill. |
17. | Can I get advance from my office for treatment in Pvt Hospital as I have obtained permission on the recommendation of a Govt specialist? | Yes. You can apply for 90% of the package rates as advance. |
18. | I am a CGHS Pensioner beneficiary receiving treatment in AIIMS It is a Govt. institute, Still I have been asked for payment in advance Will CGHS give me advance | Yes 90 % advance is given Apply through CMO i/c with an estimate from Treating Doctor and all relevant documents |
19. | I am entitled for Private ward facilities. The hospital has charged l5% extra for investigations even though the investigations are performed on OPD basis. Is this correct? | No. Charges for investigations are same for all categories whether investigated as In patients or Out patients. |
20. | The Pvt empanelled Hospital ask me to make payment even in an emergency. what to do? | Do not pay Make a complaint to AD I JD of the city |
21. | I suffered a fall .1 suspect a fracture.Can I go to a diagnostic center in an emergency for x- ray? | In emergency you are expected to seek treatment in a hospital which also has diagnostic facilities. |
22. | I am an acredited journalist with CGHS Card Can I seek treatment in Pvt empanelled Hospitals in emergency and get credit facility? | No. Journalists are entitled only for OPD treatment from dispensaries and treatment from Dr.RML Hospital. Journalists are not entitled for reimbursement and are not entitled for treatment from empanelled hospitals. |
23. | The specialist recommends me to go a particular Pvt hospital but it is too far from my residence. Can I go to a nearby empanelled Hospital?. | Yes. Specialists are expected only to advice a specific line of treatment and are not authorized to refer to any identified centre. The choice of the Hospital is of the beneficiary. |
24. | I am a serving employee of an autonomous body ,holding CGHS card. who will give me permission for treatment on the recommendation of Govt specialist? | Office of the serving employee. |
25. | I am a pensioner beneficiary of an autonomous organization, having valid CGHS card. Can I obtain permission for treatment at Pvt Hospital from CMO I/c of wellness center? | No. Pensioners of autonomous organizations will be granted permission by their respective offices. |
26 | I am a pensioner beneficiary of Kolkata. In case of emergency, can I get treatment on credit at any empanelled Pvt Hospitals in other CGHS cities when I am on a visit to such city | Yes. |
27. | I want to take treatment in a non-empanelled Hospital of my choice for my planned surgery, recommended by Govt specialist Can I get reimbursement at CGHS rates.? | Permission is granted only for empanelled hospitals. No reimbursement is allowed for taking planned surgery in a non-empanelled hospital. |
28. | In case there is no CGHS prescribed ceiling for an implant, what is the cost reimbursable in such a case? | As per actual. |
29. | There is no facility for the treatment advised by Govt specialist in Pvt ernpanelled Hospital in the CGHS city I am residing. Can I get T A for travelling to and fro for my treatment at nearby CGHS city? | Yes. TA is admissible to the nearest CGHS city only when treatment facilities are not available in city of residence. |
30. | I am denied treatment at CGHS rates and on credit in emergency in a Pvt empanelled Hospital as I did not carry my card. Is this correct? | Yes, Facilities under CGHS at Pvt empanelled Hospitals are available to the beneficiaries on production of a valid CGHS card. |
31. | I have been advised Dentures by Govt Hospital Dental Surgeon Will CGHS provide me | Apply to AD / JD of city through CMO I/c of WC Submit Photocopies of Valid CGHS Card & Specialist Advice Permission shall be granted for dentures @ Rs. 2000 / max. and submit the medical claim for reimbursement |
32. | I was advised Cataract surgery by Govt. specialist. I took permission for pvt. Empanelled | Reimbursement shall be made as per CGHS rates Rates are available on CGHS Website. |
Central Civil Services (Classification, Control and Appeal) Rules, 1965 —Advice of the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) to be communicated to the delinquent Government servant along with the final order of penalty.
No. 11012/10/2007-Estt. (A)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
(Department of Personnel and Training)
North Block,
New Delhi — 110001.
Dated the 7th January, 2008.
Subject : Central Civil Services (Classification, Control and Appeal) Rules, 1965 —Advice of the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) to be communicated to the delinquent Government servant along with the final order of penalty.
The undersigned is directed to refer to the provisions of rule 32 of the Central Civil Services (Classification, Control and Appeal) Rules, 1965 and to say that the nature of consultation with the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) and the manner of communication of the advice of the UPSC to the delinquent Government servant have been subject matter of litigation in some cases in CAT/High Courts etc. The questions raised from time to time are whether consultation with the UPSC under Article 320 (3) (c) of the Constitution is mandatory and binding on the appropriate authority; and whether a copy of the UPSC’s advice should be furnished to the Charged Officer before the order imposing a penalty is issued. The Hon’ble Supreme Court of India has finally decided the matter in its judgment dated the 19th April, 2007 in Civil Appeal No. 2067 of 2007 (Union of India and Another vs. T.V. Patel).
2. In the above judgment, the Hon’ble Supreme Court referred to the cases of State of U.P. vs. Mandbodhan LaI Srivastava (Constitution Bench of the Hon’ble Supreme Court) [1958 SCR 533] and Ram Gopal Chaturvedi vs. State of Madhya Pradesh (three Judge Bench) [1969 (2) 5CC 240] and did not agree with the contentions on behalf of the respondent that non-supply of a copy of the advice tendered by the UPSC before the final order was passed deprived the delinquent officer of making an effective representation and that it, therefore, vitiates the order The Hon’ble Supreme Court held as follows :-
“In view of the law settled by the Constitution Bench of this Court in the case of Srivastava (supra) we hold that the provisions of Article 320(3)(c) of the Constitution of India are not mandatory and they do. not confer any rights on the public servant so that the absence of consultation or any irregularity in consultation process or furnishing a copy of the advice tendered by the UPSC, if any, does not afford the delinquent government servant a cause of action in a court of law.”
3. The judgement of the Hon’ble Supreme court in the case of S.N. Narula vs. Union of India and others [SLP(c)12188/2003], on the facts and circumstances of that case apparently did not lay down any law. Whereas in the later judgement in T.V. Patel’s case delivered on 19.4.2007, the Appex Court has laid down law relying on two earlier decisions of the Apex Court, one of the Constitution Bench and another of a three Judge Bench. In view of the judgment dated 19.04.2007 of the Hon’ble Supreme Court it is clear that the Disciplinary Authority is not required to furnish a copy of the advice tendered by the Union Public Service Commission to the Charged Officer before the final order of penalty is passed.
4. All Ministries/Departments/Offices etc. are, therefore, requested to comply with the existing provisions of CCS(CCA) Rules, 1965 and bring the contents of this O.M. to the notice of all concerned for adopting a uniform stand and to make serious efforts to get the litigation cases on this subject disposed of by the various courts on the basis of the law laid down by the Hon’ble Supreme Court in the judgements referred to in the preceding paragraphs.
(P. Prabhakaran)
Deputy Secretary to the Government of India
Issue of Individual Plastic Cards to each CGHS Beneficiary- guidelines to pensioner beneficiaries
Misc.6024/2007/CGHS(HQ)/CGHS( P)
Ministry of Health & Family \Velfare
Department of Health
Nirman Bhawan. New Delhi
Dated December 27, 2010
Sub: Issue of Individual Plastic Cards to each CGHS Beneficiary- guidelines to pensioner beneficiaries
* * *
The undersigned is directed to draw attention to the office memorandum of even number dated 30th December 2009 and to clarify that in response to representations received from pensioner CGHS beneficiaries, it has now been decided to partially modify para E (2 ) of the said memorandum.
Para E (2) of the Office Memorandum of even number dated 30° December 2009. which reads
The Plastic Cards ( which are identity cards ) are issued for a maximum period of Five years or till entitled for CGHS benefits. whichever may he earlier. The actual validity of CGHS Card for availing services shall he as per records available in CGIIS Data base. In case of CGFIS pensioners who have paid for ‘Rest of Life’ facilities a new plastic Cards shall be issued after ‘Five years’ without any additional contribution. However the beneficiaries would not be denied CGHS facilities, if there is any inadvertent delay in procurement of new plastic cards after five years, provided the beneficiary is entitled for CGHS benefits.
- is replaced by the modified paragraph which reads as follows:
Para E (2) The Plastic Cards ( which are identity cards ) , would, hereinafter, be issued with validity till the pensioner beneficiary is entitled for CGHS benefits. In respect of pensioner CGHS beneficiaries, who have paid CGHS contribution for ‘Rest of Life’ CGI IS facilities . the Plastic cards would ,hercinaficr ,be issued for ‘Rest of’ Life’.
The Plastic cards already issued with a printed validity of five years to pensioner beneficiaries, who had paid CGHS contribution for ‘Rest of Life’ CGHS, would be taken as valid for use for “Rest of Life’. However, such CGHS pensioner beneficiaries have the option to obtain new plastic cards after five years. if they choose to do so..
The other contents of the Office Memorandum of even number dated 30th December 2009 remain unchanged.
Under Secretary to Government of India.
Tel. No. 011-2306 1881.
A holiday has been declared for all central and state government offices, organisations, industrial units, educational institutes (including aided institutes) in connection with the rural local body elections on December 31. Employees of all institutes, including daily wage workers, are eligible for paid leave on this day. However, the holiday is not applicable for government employees engaged in election related work and emergency services.
Blogger Labels: DECEMPER,KARNATAKA,government,connection,December,Employees,workers,election,emergency,services,offices,units,electionssource-
Swavalamban Benefit for NPS Account Holders
Swavalamban Benefit for NPS Account Holders
Eligible Account Holders are Required to Submit Declaration form to the PoPs
Under the Swavalamban guidelines approved by the Govt. of India, all NPS accounts opened in 2009-10 will be entitled to the benefit of Government co-contribution of Rs. 1,000 subject to fulfilling the prescribed eligibility criteria. A list of eligible account holders is available on the Website of Pension Fund Regulatory & Development Authority (PFRDA) as well as the concerned PoPs.
The PFRDA has requested the concerned NPS account holders to submit the requisite declaration form to the PoPs at the earliest to avail of the Swavalamban benefit. A copy of the Swavalamban declaration form can be downloaded from the website of the PFRDA / PoPs / NSDL.
Blogger Labels: Swavalamban,Benefit,Account,Eligible,Submit,Declaration,Under,guidelines,Govt,India,Government,contribution,subject,Website,Pension,Fund,Regulatory,Development,PFRDA,avail,NSDL,Holders,criteriaPension Rules for Employees of PSUs
DPE has issued orders enhancing Gratuity to Rs. 10 lakh in respect of CPSEs employees
Recommendations of the Fifth Central Pay Commission on scales of pay of posts of Superintending Engineers and equivalent in the Organized Group ‘A’ Engineering Service.
Government of india
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Personnel and Training
New Delhi- 110003.
December 29, 2010
original provisions contained in Sub-paras 3(a), 3(b) and 3 (c) of this Department’s O.M. No. 22/1/2000-CRD dated June 6, 2000.
5. This issues with the concurrence of the Department of Expenditure vide its ID Note No. 32 (5) —E-III (B)/2010 dated August 11, 2010 and the Department of Legal Affairs vide its Dy. No.FTS-3054/IOA dated November 22, 2010.
Deputy Secretary to the Government of India
Tel: 24622461
Pay hike for KSCB staff
Teacher transfer bill-W.B. school teachers