Sixth Central Pay Commission relating to re-classification of cities/towns for grant of House Rent Allowance (HRA) to Railway employees.



S.NO.PC-Vl/258                                                                   RBE No.66/2011

No.E(P&A)ll-2008/HRA.10                                                      New Delhi, dated 16-5-2011.

The General Managers/CAOs,
All Indian Railways & Prod.Units etc.
(as per mailing lists No.1 & II).

Subject: Decision of the Government on the recommendations of the Sixth Central Pay Commission relating to re-classification of cities/towns for grant of House Rent Allowance (HRA) to Railway employees.

   Attention is invited to para 6 of Board's letter of even number dated 12.9.2008 on the above mentioned subject, vide which the special dispensation for grant of HRA has been allowed to continue to (i) Faridabad, Ghaziabad, Noida & Gurgaon at "X” class city rates and (ii) Jalandhar Cantt. Shillong, Goa & Port Blair at "Y" class city rates and to state that the special dispensation allowed to Panchkula for grant of HRA at par with Chandigarh vide Board's letter No. E(P&A)ll-2003/HRA-6 dated 19.8.2003, shall also continue.

   2. In this context, it is also clarified that any other similar special dispensation allowed by the Railway Board in the past in respect of other cities or grant of HRA at higher rates and not specifically mentioned in Board's letter of even no. dated 12.9.2008. shall continue to apply, if the same has not been superceded/dispensed with or the existing classification of such city has not been revised to higher classification on account of the population criteria, vide Board’s letter of even no.dated 12.9.2008.

   3. These orders shall be effective from lst.September, 2008.

   4. All other conditions governing grant of HRA under existing orders shall continue to apply.

   5. This issues with the concurrence of the Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Raiways

(Salim Md. Ahmed)
Deputy Director/E(P&A)lll,
Railway Board.


Central Civil Services (Conduct) Amendment Rules, 2011

Central Civil Services (Conduct) Amendment Rules, 2011
(To be published In Part II Section 3, Sub-section(I) of the Gazette of India,

Government of India
(Department of Personnel and Training)

New Delhi, the 9th May, 2011


G.S.R.......(E).- In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to article 309 and clause (5) of article 148 of the Constitution and after consultation with the Comptroller and Auditor General of India relation to persons serving In the Indian Audit and Accounts Department, the President hereby makes the following rules further to amend the Central Civil Services (Conduct) Rules, 1964, namely :-

1. (1) These rules my be called the Central Civil Services (Conduct) Amendment Rules, 2011.

(2) They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the Official Gazette.

2 In the Central Civil Services (Conduct) Rules, 1964, in rule 18. -

(a) for sub-rule (3), the following shall be substituted, namely :-

"(3) Where a Government servant enters into a transaction in respect of movable property either in his own name or in the name of the member of his family, he shall, within one month from the date of such transaction, report the same to the prescribed authority, it the value of such property exceeds two months’ basic pay of the Government servant:

       Provided that the previous sanction of the prescribed authority shall be obtained by the Government servant if any such transaction is with a person having official dealings with him’.

(b) in Explanation I, an clause (1), in sub-clause (a), for the letters, figures and words "Rs.10,000, or one-sixth of the total annual emoluments received from Government, whichever as less", the words ‘two months’ basic pay of the Government servant, shall be substituted.

Payment of Overtime Allowance in the revised pay to the employees of Defence Industrial Establishments governed by Factories Act,1948

Government of India
Ministry of Defence

New Delhi,the 10th May 2011


Subject:  Payment of Overtime Allowance in the revised pay to the employees of Defence Industrial Establishments governed by Factories Act,1948.

              Consequent upon revision of pay structure as per the VI CPC recommendations, the matter regarding payment of OTA, as per revised pay to the employees of the Defence Industrial Establishments under Factories Act,1948 has been considered in consultation with the Ministry of  Labour & Employment and DOP&T. That Ministry have clarified that OTA is a statutory provision and it would be admissible to the employees covered under the  statutory provision of the Factories Act,1948 on the basis of revised wages with effect from the date the wages were revised.

2.          OTA on the basis of revised wages after implementation of VI CPC recommendations, is subject to the conditions stipulated in this Ministry’s O.M No.14(1)/97/D(Civ-II) dated 1st July 1998.

3.          This issues with the concurrence of Defence (Finance/AG/PB)vide their I.D No.133/AG/PB dated 18th April 2011 and after consultation with Ministry of Labour & Employment vide O.M.No.Z-16025/75/2009-ISH-II dated 14-01-2011.




Under Secretary to the Government of India
