Special Package for North-East Region During Twelfth Plan

Special Package for North-East Region During Twelfth Plan 

The Ministry of Tourism attaches utmost importance to the development and promotion of tourism in the North Eastern Region through its various plan schemes. It extends financial assistance to the State Governments/Union Territory Administrations including the States of the North Eastern Region, for tourism related projects which are identified every year in consultation and interaction with them under the following schemes.

Engineering Services (Exam), 2011 written part result announced

Engineering Services (Exam), 2011 written part result announced 

The UPSC has announced the result of the written part of the Engineering Services Examination 2011, held in May, 2011.   A total of 2158 candidates have qualified which includes 87 physically handicapped category candidates.

New Pension Scheme

New Pension Scheme

New Pension Scheme (NPS) is a defined contribution scheme, its pay out depends upon the amount of contribution and the growth on the investment over a period of time for an individual while defined benefit schemes pay out is defined and is based on salary and number of years in service etc. at the time of retirement of an individual.