Clarification on Children Education Allowance(25th July, 2011)


No. 20011/5/2008-AIS-II
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
(Department of Personnel and Training)

North Block, New Delhi-i 10001
Dated, the 25th July, 2011.


The Chief Secretaries of all the
State Governments/UTs.

Subject: Clarification on Children Education Allowance.


I am directed to enclose herewith a copy of this Department’s O.M.No.21011/16/2009-Estt.(AL), dated 17th June, 2011 and to state that clarification issued by the Central Government on Children Education Allowance vide this 0M. would also be applicable in respect of All India Services officers.

Yours faithfully,

(Yash pal)
Desk officers


Government of India 
Ministry of Personnel, P.G. & Pensions 
Department of Personnel & Training

(New Delhi, Dated) 17th June, 2011



Subject: – Clarification on Children Education Allowance.

The undersigned is directed to refer to DOP&T O.M. No. 12011/03/2008-  Estt(Allowance) dated 02-09-2008 and clarificatory OM No.12011/16/2009-  Estt.(AL) dated 13.11.2009 on the Children Education Allowance(CEA)  Scheme, this Department has been receiving references from various 
Departments seeking further clarifications. The doubts raised are clarified as  under:


1) whether Children Education Allowance would be admissible beyond two children due to failure of sterilization operation.

The reimbursement of Children Education Allowance is admissible only for the first child born after failure of sterilization operation.

(ii) whether the admissible amount per annum per child (annual ceiling of Rs.15000/-) on account of CEA can be reimbursed in full in the first quarter of the financial/academic year itself.

(i) It is clarified that a Government servant is allowed to get 50% of the total amount subject to the over all annual ceiling in the first quarter and the remaining amount in third and or fourth quarter . Frontloading of the entire amount in the first and second quarters is not allowed.

(ii) A Government servant can claim full amount subject to the annual ceiling of Rs.15000/- in the last quarter.

(Vibha Govil Mishra)

Deputy Secretary (P &A)


Grant Transport allowance to Ghaziabad Staff.



(Raway Board)

 No PC-V/2010/PNM/AIRF/4

New Delhi, dated 01-08-2011


The General Secretary


4, State Entry Road,

New Delhi-110055




Sub:-Agenda item No.17/2010 for PNM/AIRF meeting-Payment of Transport Allowance to the Staff living in Ghaziabad (Northern Railway).


   The undersigned is directed to refer to minutes of PNM/AIRF meeting held on 21-22 Dec.2010 in respect of item No.17/2010

on the above subject and to state that a reference has been made to Ministry of Finance for clarification. Decision in this regard would be communated on receipt of the same from Ministry of Finance.


Yours faithfully,



for Secretary/Railway Board



Draft Common Seniority List (Part) of Private Secretaries of CSSS for the Select List Year 2005-circulation thereof.


No. 3/5/2011-CS-Il(A)
Government of India  
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training

Lok Nayak Bhavan,
Khan Market, New Delhi-100003,
Dated: the 29th July, 2011.


Subject: Draft Common Seniority List (Part) of Private Secretaries of CSSS for the Select List Year 2005-circulation thereof.

The undersigned is directed to circulate herewith a draft Common Seniority List (CSL) of Private Secretaries of CSSS prepared in this Department for the Select List Year 2005 on the basis of: (a) PSs of CSSS appointed against Seniority Quota for the Select List Year 2005 and (b) PSs of CSSS appointment on the basis of the results of Limited Departmental Competitive Examination 2005 conducted by the UPSC.

2. Cadre Units are requested to circulate the Draft Common Seniority List to all the concerned officials and factual inaccuracies/deficiencies, if any, may be bought to the notice of this Department.

3. Cadre Units are also requested to furnish the details regarding the Date of Birth/Date of Regular appointment in the PS grade which are not available with this Department in respect of some officers and have been indicated by mark in the Annexure along with any inaccuracies/deficiencies, if any, within 15 days of the issuance of this O.M.,  i.e. by 16.08.2011 to enable this Department to finalize the Seniority List accordingly. Requests received after the stipulated date will not be entertained.

4. The list may please be seen/downloaded on/from the website of this Department:

-->DoP&T -->
Central Sectt. -->
Central Secretariat Stenographers Service (CSSS)  -->
Common Seniority List -->


Steno A & B



Under Secretariat to the Govt. of India

Please click here to view the "Draft Common Seniority List of Private Secretary FOR the Select List Year 2005 "