Re-designation of the merged cadre of Group ‘D’ & Record Clerks and classification

Office of the Principal Controller of Defence Accounts (Central Command)
Cariappa Road, Lucknow Cantt. 226002


No. AN/1-A/1057/Gp ‘D’ / Multi Tasking Staff
Dated: 23-06-2011
Subject:  Re-designation of the merged cadre of Group ‘D’ & Record Clerks and classification thereof:
Reference:  This office Important Circular of even no. dt:  04-06-2010   &  02/05/2011
Please refer to Main Office Important Circulars cited above under reference wherein all posts of Group ‘D’ and Record Clerks were merged and classified as Group ‘C’ with the grade pay of Rs.1800/- in PB-1. The merged posts have been re-designated as MTS. Accordingly, the charter of duties to be assigned to the MTS has already been circulated vide this office Important Circulars cited above at reference and the same have also been available in the website of PCDA(CC) Lucknow (i.e.
2. During 39th Main Meeting of III JCM council of the CGDA HQrs.. the point regarding entrusting of duties of Record Clerks was raised by the Staff Associations and it has been desired by the HQrs office that the erstwhile Record Clerks (now MTS) may be assigned duties as were being carried out by them before the circulation of combined charter of duties for MTS.
3. The erstwhile Record Clerks (now MTS) serving in your office may therefore please be assigned the duties accordingly.
4. The contents of this Important Circular may please be got noted by all concerned individuals for awareness of their duties as Record Clerks.
5. Please acknowledge the receipt.
6. Hindi version will follow soon.


(Sandeep Thakur)
Dy. CDA (AN)


Encashment of Leave on Average Pay (LAP) while availing Privilege Pass/PTO – Clarification regarding

PC VI No.266
RBE No.95/2011


No. F(E)III/2008/LE1/1 
New Delhi, dated : 22.06.2011.

The General Managers/FA&CAOs,
All Zonal Railways/Production Units,
(As per Mailing List).

Subject : Encashment of Leave on Average Pay (LAP) while availing Privilege Pass/PTO – Clarification regarding.
References have been received in this office from some quarters seeking clarification as to whether Railway employees can avail encashment of leave in terms of Rule 540-A/R-I, 1985 Edition while proceeding on leave other than on LAP and Casual Leave.
2. The matter has been examined in consultation with the Department of Personnel & Training the nodal department of the Government in the matter, and it is clarified that in order to claim encashment of LAP while availing Privilege Pass/PTO, in terms of the provisions contained in Rule 540-A/R-I, 1985 Edition and as modified/clarified from time to time, Railway employees are required to avail leave, including casual leave. Holidays, including Restricted Holidays, do not come within the ambit of the definition of leave for the aforesaid purpose.
3. Please acknowledge receipt

(Sunil Bhardwaj)
Deputy Director Finance (Estt)III,
Railway Board.

Extension of Risk Allowance till 31.12.2011


No.21012/01/2008-Estt. (Allowance)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, P.G. & Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training

New Delhi, dated 19th July, 2011.


Subject:- Extension of Risk Allowance till 31.12.2011.

The undersigned is directed to refer this Department’s 0M No.  21012/01/2008-Estt.(AL) dated 25.01 .2011 vide which payment of Risk Allowance was extended till 30.6.2011. Extension of Risk Allowance fòr a further period of six months beyond 30.6.2011 has been considered and it has been decided that Risk Allowance may be continued for a further period of six months upto 31.12.2011 or till such time Risk Insurance Scheme is implemented, whichever is earlier. All the Ministries/Departments are requested to ensure implementation of Risk Insurance Scheme before

Under Secretary to the Govt. of India