7% Rise in DA/DR for Central Government Employees/Pensioners w.e.f 1st July 2011

7% Rise in DA/DR for Central Government Employees/Pensioners  w.e.f 1st July 2011

1. For all the Central Government Employees/pensioners, there would be a rise of 7% in DA IDR to, which would result in the overall DA I DR of 58% from 1.7.2011 - as per calculations below (as per Calculation based on All India Consumer Price Index Number for Industrial Workers (CPI-IW) on base 2001= 100).


Every month government has announced All India Consumer Price Index for Industrial
workers, according to the price of commodities.

Month & year                            Price Index with base year
                                                     2001 = 100
July 2010                                       178
ftugust 2010                                   178
September2010                               179
October2010                                  181
November2010                               182
December 2010                               185
Jan2011                                          188
Feb2011                                          185
March2011                                      185
priI 2011                                         186
May2011                                         187
June 2011                                        187 (Assumed)
___________________(considering MKT situation)
Total 2201112
Average 183.416
3. With effect from 01.01 .2006, Dearness allowance is granted to compensate the price increase above 536 points Base Year 1982100),(115.763 points Base Year 2001=100).

4. The half yearly rise in DA/DR is granted on the basis of average price index of 12 months prior to 1st January1stJuly

5. As per above table, the total of twelve month average price index prior to July 2011
=2199The twelve month average price index for the period as per above table.= 183.416

6. Subtract 115.763 from 183.4l6which works out to 67.653 It is a rise over 115.763 as on
31.12.2005 (with respect to base year 2001=100). Calculate the percentage rise by multiplying
(67.653) with 100 I 115.763. It works out to 58.441

7. The fraction is to be ignored. The whole number only is to be considered. So the DAIDR
admissible with effect from l July 2011 is 58% thus a rise of 7% over 51% already being paid

8. DA/DRwef  1.7.11
Average all India inflation index 183.41 6-115.763 = 67.653x100 divided by 115.76 = 58%

Courtesy: Er. S.C.Maheshwari


Sunderban Allowance to Central Government employees working in West Bengal

No.20(1 )/2008-E.II(B)
Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Department of Expenditure

New Delhi the 30th June, 2011.


Subject: Sunderban Allowance to Central Government employees working in West Bengal.

The undersigned is directed to refer to this Ministry’s OM No.20(1)197- E.II(B) dated 17th July,2001 on the subject cited above and to convey the sanction of the President for the continued grant of Sunderban Allowance at the existing rates (Based on the notional pay in pre-revised scales) to the Central Government employees posted in the Sunderban areas of West Bengal for a further period from 01-01-2003 to 31-08-2008 and at the revised rates (indicated in the Table below) from 01-09-2008 onwards and upto the period for which the Government of West Bengal continues to pay this allowance to its employees, subject to the fulfillment of the existing terms and
conditions in this regard.

Existing  Rates  (in Rupees)

Revised  Rates   (in Rupees)

       Pay Range



Rate w.e.f. 01.08.1997 (In Rupees)


Pay in the Pay Band



Rate w.e.f. 01.09.2008



     Below 3000


       Below  5600














2. In case of those employees who have opted to retain the pre-revised scale of pay after the Sixth Pay Commission, their entitlement to the Sunderban Allowance would be determined with reference to pie-revised pay range indicated in column (1) of the table above and the rate prescribed in Column (2) will apply from 1.1.2003 to 31 .8.2008 and that in column (4) of the table will apply w.e.f. 1.9.2008

3. In their application to employees serving in Indian Audit and Accounts Department, these orders issue in consultation with Comptroller and Auditor General of India.

Finmin orders

House Building Advance Scheme to Kerala Government Employees — Online registration of HBA applications 2011-12 —Instructions issued - Reg


House Building Advance Scheme to Kerala Government Employees — Online registration of HBA applications 2011-12 —Instructions issued - Reg

In the Government Order dated 12.11.2009, Government have reintroduced the House Building Advance Scheme to State Government Employees and Teachers. The following additional instructions are issued for the strict compliance of all the Heads of Departments/Sanctioning Authorities.

1) The online registration of HBA application for 2011-12 shall commence from 01.07.2011 and the website will freeze on 02.08.2011, 5 pm. The online registration of HBA application shall be completed before the freeze of the HBA SEL website at 5 PM on 2.08.2011.

2) The HBA application shall be verified thoroughly and register online; only eligible application in all respects before the close of the data entry freezing. The details of the applicants thus registered shall be generated from the website after the freezing of data entry and forward to Finance (HBA) Department after due authentication of Head of department/Sanctioning Authority in appendix III statement before 05.08.2011.

MORE DETAILS VISIT-http://www.finance.kerala.gov.in/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=432:circular-index-2011&catid=41:circulars-from-fd&Itemid=46