Gujarat University to hire employees on emergency basis

Gujarat University to hire employees on emergency basis

Gujarat University (GU) on Wednesday decided to hire 20 peons and clerks on an emergency basis to tide over the crisis set off by 167 employees who have embarked on a work-to-rule agitation in protest against their exclusion from the Sixth Pay Commission.

The GU exams have begun and the authorities are feeling the pinch with such a big strength of employees going on work-to-rule. "On Tuesday night, we had major problems in storing question papers and answer sheets as there was hardly a peon available to pitch in with the exam work", said an official.

The 167 employees have decided to work-to-rule as the state government denied them the benefits of Sixth Pay Commission saying that their recruitment has taken place without the mandatory widespread advertisement.

Interestingly, most of these employees have worked for over 20 years and had got the benefit of the Fifth Pay Commission.



Promotion to the post of Laboratory Superintendent Gr.1ll-Medical Department



New Delhi, dated 11-03-2011

The General Manager (P)
All Indian Railways and
Production Units.
(As per standard list)

Sub:-    Promotion to the post of Laboratory  Superintendent Gr.1ll-Medical Department.

   As the Railways are aware, in terms of para 165(3) (ii) of IREM, Vol.1 1989 Edition as modified vide ACS No.128 issued under this Ministrys letter No.E(NG)ll/2001/RR-1/20 dated 12.11.2001, the persons in service as on 01.08.1998 in grade Rs.3200-4900/PB-1 Rs.5200-20200 GP Rs.2000 with the then existing qualification of Matriculation with Science with or without one year’s experience in Pathological or Biochemical Laboratory will also continue to be considered eligible for promotion to grade Rs.4000-6000/PB-1 Rs.5200-20200 GP Rs.2400 and Rs.4500-7000/PB-1 Rs.5200-20200 GP Rs.2800 after they have completed 10 years in each grade viz. Rs.3200-4900/ PB-i Rs.5200- 20200 GP Rs 2000 and Rs.4000-6000/ PB-i Rs.5200-20200 GP Rs.2400. Later this was reduced to 6 years subject to their passing a trade test/practical test and are found suitable otherwise, vide ACS No.142 issued under Board’s letter No.E(NG)l-2002/PM10/1 dated 02.12.2002. Similarly, persons in service as on 01.08.1998 with the then existing qualification of Matriculation with Science plus Diploma in Laboratory Technician’s course and five years as Lab.Technican/Asstt.Chemist in grade Rs.4500-7000/ PB-1 Rs.5200-20200 GP Rs.2800 will also continue to be eligible for promotion by selection as Lab.Supdt. Gr.lIl/Chemist in the pay scale Rs.5000-8000/PB-2 Rs.9300-34800 GP Rs.4200.

   2. The staff side have raised a demand in the forum of DC-JCM for consideration of promotion of staff who are in service with the then existing qualification of Matriculation with Science with or without one year’s experience in Pathological or Biochemical Laboratory as on 01.08.1998 in scale Lab.Asstt Gr. II Rs. 3200-4900/PB- 1 Rs. 5200-20200 GP Rs.2000, Lab.Asstt. Gr.l Rs.4000-6000 PB-1 Rs.5200-20200 GP Rs. 2400. Lab. Technician/Assistant Chemist in scale Rs.4500-7000/PB- 1 Rs.5200.-20200 GP Rs.2800 to their respective next higher grade.

   3. The matter has been considered by the Ministry of Railways and in the fight of the above discussion, it has been decided that employees working as Lab.Asstt.Gr.11 Rs.3200-4900/PB-1 Rs.5200-20200 GP Rs.2000, Lab.Asstt. Gr.l Rs.4000-6000 PB-1 Rs.5200-20200 GP Rs.2400, Lab.Technician/Assistant Chemist in scale Rs.4500-7000/PB-1 Rs.5200-20200 GP Rs.2800 as on 01.08.1998 recruited with the qualification of matric with science with or without one year’s experience in pathological or bio-chemical laboratory may be detailed for imparting 24 weeks training as per the following procedure:

   i) There shall be three training sessions of 8 weeks each of which 6 weeks will be at the work place and 2 weeks hands-on training at the nominated Zonal Hospital.

   ii) Each training session to be followed by a suitable evaluation programme which will be conducted by the
Pathologist In charge/Zonal Hospital.

   iii) Zonal Hospitals of Northern and Southern Railway to be the nominated Hospitals for hands-on training and evaluation programme.

   iv) There is no age bar for detailing for this training programme for Lab.Technician which is specifically
designed for the existing Lab.Technician staff as on 01.08.1998 and who had been recruited with the then
existing pre-requisite qualification of “Matric with science with or without one years experience in
pathological or bio-chemical laboratory”.

   4. The mode of training programme for Lab Technicians may be seen from Annexure ‘A’. The Lab. Technician/Asstt. Chemist in question may be considered for promotion as Lab.Supdt Gr.1ll (now replaced provisionally by the designation as Lab.Sudpt. in grade pay Rs.4200) based on fulfilling the criteria as laid down in training module and as per the provision contained in ACS No.128 ibid subject to availability of vacancies.

Please acknowledge receipt.

(M.K. Meena)
Dy. Director Estt. (N)
Railway Board

Read more details click here

Annual Reports regarding Representation of SCs, STs, OBCs and Persons with Disabilities in the Central Government Services as on 1.1.2011


Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training

New Delhi, dated the 18th March., 2011

Office Memorandum

Subject :-       Annual Reports regarding Representation of SCs, STs, OBCs and Persons with Disabilities in the Central Government Services as on 1.1.2011.

      The undersigned is directed to refer to this Department's O.M.of even number dated 15th January, 2011 on the above subject,whereby each Ministry/Department was required to submit the following reports to this Department by 31.3.2011.       (i)      SC/ST/OBC Report-1 regarding representation of SCs, STs and OBCs in Services as on 1.1.2011;

      (ii)      SC/ST/OBC Report-I1 regarding representation of SCs, STs, OBCs in various grades of organized Group 'A' Services as on 1.1.2011;

      (iii)      Persons with Disabilities (PWD) Report-1 regarding representation of persons with disabilities in Services as on 1.1.2011; and

      (iv)      PWD Report-I1 regarding appointments of persons with disabilities during the year 2010.

2.      It is requested that the aforesaid reports may kindly be furnished to this Department urgently and latest by 31.3.2011.


(Sharad Kumar Srinivasan)
Under Secretary(Res.)