State Public Sector Undertakings/Boards - orders of Government on the recommendation of Sixth Central Pay Commission - Applicability to the employees of SPSUs / Boards - additional Instructions -issued - Regarding

Thiru. K. Shanmugam, LA.S.,                     
Principal Secretary to Government 
Finance (BPE) Department,            
  Chennai - 600 009

Letter. No. 108O7/Fin(BPE)Dept./2011, dated: 9.3.2011

The Chief Executive Officers of
all State Public Sector Undertakings/ Boards

Sir/ Madam,

Sub: State Public Sector Undertakings/Boards - orders of Government on the recommendation of Sixth Central Pay Commission - Applicability to the employees of SPSUs / Boards - additional Instructions -issued - Regarding.

Ref:    1) G.O.Ms.No.250 Fin(BPE) Dept. dt. 17.6.2009
          2) Govt. Lr. No.48070/Fin(BPE)Dept./2010 dt.23.9.2010


   I am directed to state that the Government in the G.O. first cited have extended the orders issued in G.O.Ms.No.234 Finance (Pay Cell) Department dated: 1.6.2009 [wherein orders were issued on the recommendations of the Official Committee on revision of scales of pay and allowances etc., to the Government employees based on the recommendations of the Central Sixth Pay Commission] to the employees of State Public Sector Undertakings / Boards subject to certain conditions with an intention to bring out parity and standardization in the pay scales available to the employees of State Public Sector Undertakings / Boards vis-à-vis Government employees.

   2) Subsequently, In Government Lr.No.48070/BPE/2010 dated: 23.9.2010 directions were issued indicating that the State Public Sector Undertakings / Boards shall forward suitable/comprehensive proposal to Government for examination in the event of any decision for adopting the revised scales of pay to the employees of State Public Sector Undertakings /Boards being taken by the Board of Directors based on the orders issued arising out on the recommendations of One Man Commission duly taking into account certain aspects mentioned therein.

   3) Now, it appears that some State Public Sector Undertakings / Boards have been fixing higher scale of pay to their staff than that of the scale of pay available for Government employees who are having similar designation, duties and responsibilities, etc., without the orders of Government which aspect has been causing embarrassment and also disparity and non-standardization in the pay scales available to the employees of State Public Sector Undertakings /Boards vis-à-vis Government employees.

   4) In view of the above position, I am directed to inform that all the State Public Sector Undertakings / Boards shall take appropriate action

   (a) to fix the scale of pay to their workers/employees in such a manner that the scale of pay and grade pay so fixed should not exceed the scale of pay and grade pay permissible for Government employees holding the comparable post in Government depts. (i.e. having similar designation / nomenclature, duties and responsibilities, qualification etc.,) There shall be a policy to cap up the wage/salary of the posts at the level as obtained for similarly placed Government employees and under no circumstances the wage/salary of workers/employees in State Public Sector Undertakings /Boards shall stretch beyond the Pay + Grade Pay of similarly placed Government employees as of now and in future revisions;

   (b) to regulate such cases (i.e. where scale of pay has been fixed to their employees higher than that of the pay scale permissible for Government employees for the comparable post) and refix the pay as indicated in para 4(a) above;

   This order may be placed before the Board of Directors in the immediate next meeting.

Yours faithfully,

for Principal Secretary to Government.

Decision of the Government on the recommendations of the sixth Central Pay Commission relating to re-classification of cities/towns for grant of House Rent Allowance (HRA).

House Rent Allowance (HRA)

Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Department of Expenditure

New Delhi, 4th March, 2011.


Subject:- Decision of the Government on the recommendations of the   sixth Central Pay Commission relating to re-classification of cities/towns for grant of House Rent Allowance (HRA).

The undersigned is directed to refer to para 6 of this Ministry’s O.M. of even number dated 29.08.2008 on the above mentioned subject, vide which the special dispensation for grant of HRA has been allowed to continue to (i) Faridabad, Ghaziabad, Noida & Gurgaon at “X” class city rates and (ii) Jalandhar Cantt., Shillong, Goa & Port Blair at “Y” class city rates and to state that the special dispensation allowed to Panchkula for grant of HRA at par with Chandigarh vide this Ministry’s O.M. No.2(2)12001E.ll(B) dated 16.06.2003, shall also continue.

2. In this context, it is also clarified that any other similar special dispensation allowed by this Ministry in the past in respect of other cities for grant of HRA at higher rates and not specifically mentioned in this Ministry’s O.M. of even number dated 29.08.2008, shall continue to apply, if the same has not been superceded/dispensed with or the existing classification of such city has not been revised to a higher classification on account of the population criteria, vide O.M. dated 29.08.2008.

3. These orders shall be effective from 1st September,2008.

4. All other conditions governing grant of HRA under existing orders shall continue to apply.

5. In so far as the persons serving in the Indian Audit and Accounts Department are concerned, these orders issue in consultation with the Comptroller & Auditor General of India.

6. Hindi version is attached.

(Anil Sharma)
Under Secretary to the Govt. of India

Declaration of Holiday on 14th April, 2011 – Birthday of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar



F. N0.12/2/2011-JCA-2
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
(Department of Personnel & Training)

North Block, New Delhi
Dated the 21 st March, 2011.


Subject: Declaration of Holiday on 14th April, 2011 – Birthday of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar.

It has been decided to declare Thursday, the 14th April 2011, as a Closed Holiday on account of the birthday of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar, for all Central Government Offices including Industrial Establishments throughout India.

2. The above holiday is also being notified in exercise of the powers conferred by Section 25 of the Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881 (26 of 1881).

3. All Ministries/Departments of Government of India may bring the above decision to the notice of all concerned.

(Dinesh Kapila)
Director to the Government of India