Extension of Risk Allowance till 31.12.2011

Government of India
Ministry of Personnel. Public Grievances and Pension
Department of Personnel & Training

New Delhi, December 28,2011


Subject: Extension of Risk Allowance till 31.12.2011.

Acts Forgref Employees

Acts Forgref Employees

In pursuance of the 6th Central Pay Commission recommendation to formulate separate rules to regulate service conditions of General Reserve Engineer Force (GREF) personnel, Border Roads Development Board (BRDB) had suggested Directorate General Border Roads

Wage Labour

Wage Labour

The Department of Land Resources in the Ministry of Rural Development, Government of India, have taken major initiatives in the field of land management, computerization of land records, digitization of maps, etc. Land reforms were visualized as important pillar of a strong and prosperous country. India’s first several five-year plans allocated substantial budgetary amounts for the implementation of land reforms. A degree of success was even registered in certain regions and states, especially with regard to issues such as the abolition of intermediaries, protection to tenants, rationalization of different tenure systems, and the imposition of ceilings on landholdings.

Gun Carriage Factory Jabalpur final result

Gun Carriage Factory, Jabalpur declared final result on the basis of written test held on 06-11-2011 and Trade Test held on 05.12.2011 and 08.12.2011 for for selection to the post of SEMI-SKILLED TRADESMEN.

Special Package for North-East Region During Twelfth Plan

Special Package for North-East Region During Twelfth Plan 

The Ministry of Tourism attaches utmost importance to the development and promotion of tourism in the North Eastern Region through its various plan schemes. It extends financial assistance to the State Governments/Union Territory Administrations including the States of the North Eastern Region, for tourism related projects which are identified every year in consultation and interaction with them under the following schemes.

Engineering Services (Exam), 2011 written part result announced

Engineering Services (Exam), 2011 written part result announced 

The UPSC has announced the result of the written part of the Engineering Services Examination 2011, held in May, 2011.   A total of 2158 candidates have qualified which includes 87 physically handicapped category candidates.

New Pension Scheme

New Pension Scheme

New Pension Scheme (NPS) is a defined contribution scheme, its pay out depends upon the amount of contribution and the growth on the investment over a period of time for an individual while defined benefit schemes pay out is defined and is based on salary and number of years in service etc. at the time of retirement of an individual.

Personality Tests for SCRA Examination, 2011

Personality Tests for SCRA Examination, 2011 

The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) will be conducting Interviews/ Personality Tests for Special Class Railway Apprentices (SCRA) Examination, 2011 from 19.12.2011 to 21.12.2011 in the Commission’s Office at New Delhi. Summon letters for PT/Interview to all the eligible candidates are being issued.

Recruitment in GREF

Recruitment in GREF

Consequent to the approval of Cabinet Committee on Security (CCS) in 2006, the sanctioned posts of Group A personnel in General Reserve Engineer Force (GREF) were increased from 654 to 980.

As per Government of India Policy, In Border Roads Organisation too reservation in the Group `A` posts for General Reserve Engineer Force (GREF) Officers is made at the entry level.

Category wise break-up in different posts of Group `A` SC/ST/OBCofficers of GREF at the entry level lying vacant as on date is as under:-

S. No.







Asstt Executive Engineer (Civil)






Asstt Executive Engineer (E&M)






Administrative Officer





The recruitment Is an ongoing process and Group `A` posts are filled up by UPSC through Combined Engineering Service Examination and interview conducted by them. On basis of candidates made available by the UPSC against Asstt.Executive Engineers (AEEs) vacancies, offers of appointment were issued to 56 SC/ST/OBC candidates in 2010-2011. A requisition for filling up 90 vacant posts of AEE (Civ) including SC/ST/OBC posts for the year 2011 has already been sent to UPSC. The recruitment process for other posts filled up through Direct Recruitment as well as promotions is underway. A specific time frame cannot be fixed by the Ministry.

This information was given by Defence Minister Shri AK Antony in a written reply to Shri(Capt.)Jai Narain Prasad Nishad in LokSabha today.



One Rank-One Pension

One Rank-One Pension
The gap between past pensioners and their youger equivalents retiring from the armed forces does not necessarily keeps widening with every successive pay commission. Over the years several improvements have been made in pension of past pensioners. The pension of past pensioners have revised in accordance with recommendation of each successive Pay Commission, as accepted by the Government. The Sixth Pay Commission had recommended fitment formula and modified parity for past pensioners, in order to reduce the gaps, which were accepted by the Government.


Department of Personnel & Training Establishment (D)







From which date the various

provisions of consolidated

instructions on seniority


Unless specifically, otherwise

provided against each instruction,

the said instructions are effective

from the date of the relevant O.M.

by which they were issued,



To whom the instructions on

seniority issued vide DOP&T’s


Estt.(D) dated 10.11.2010 are


The instructions on seniority

issued vide DOP&T’s


dated 11.11.2010 are applicable

in determination of seniority of the

Government servants in Central

Civil Services and Civil Posts

except such Services and Posts for

which separate principles have

already been issued or may be

issued by the Government


Whether the instructions on

seniority issued by DOP&T

are applicable to


Bodies/Banks etc.?

No. The seniority of the officers

working in PSUs/autonomous

bodies/ organisations /banks are

governed by

regulations/instructions issued by

concerned Administrative

Department/ PSUs/banks etc.


How the seniority of all direct

recruits is determined?

The seniority of direct recruit is in

the order of merit in which they

are selected for appointment on

the recommendations of UPSC or

other selecting authority. The

persons appointed as a result of

earlier selection being senior to

those appointed on subsequent



dated 11.11.2010


Whether the seniority of direct

recruits is determined by the

date of confirmation?

No. The relative seniority of direct

recruits that used to be

determined earlier according to

date of confirmation and not

original order of merit (in cases

where confirmation was in an

order different from order of merit

indicated at the time of their

appointment) has been

discontinued with effect from


O.M. No. 20011/5/90-Estt. (D)

dated 04.11.1992

6. How will the inter-se seniority

be fixed if a direct recruit

officer joins late ?

Seniority in such cases


How will the inter-se seniority

be fixed if a direct recruit

officer joins late ?

Seniority in such cases will be

determined according to O.M. No.

9/23/71-Estt.(D) dated

06.06.1978 and O.M.

No.35015/2/93-Estt.(D) Dated



How seniority of candidates of

two different panels is

determined, in case both the

panels are received on the

same date?

The seniority of candidates of two

different panels received on the

same date is determined by the

following procedure:

(i) Chronology of recommendation


(ii) Where the date of

recommendation letter is same,

chronology of Interview Board

reports and

(iii) Where both (i) and (ii) are also

same, then the chronology of

requisition made by the respective


O.M. No. 20011/1/2008-Estt.(D)

dated 11.11.2010


How seniority of candidates

is determined in case two

results of recruitment

through examination are

announced for selection to

same grade or post within the

same year.

The seniority of the candidates will

be determined as per date of

publication/announcement of

result. The candidate of the result

announced earlier shall be senior

to the candidate of the result

announced later.


How the seniority of the

promotee officer is


The inter-se seniority of a officer

promoted on the basis of the

recommendation of a DPC either

by selection or non-selection

method as per due procedure,

shall be determined as in the

feeder grade from which they are


O.M. No. 20011/1/2008-Estt.(D)

dated 11.11.2010


How seniority of a promotee

officer is determined in cases

where more than one feeder

grade is prescribed for

promotion to the higher grade

and specific quotas are given?

In such cases, the officer in each

grade assess a fit by the

Departmental Promotion

Committee shall be interpolated in

the ratio prescribed in each grade

in the Recruitment Rules for the

post, for the purpose of

determination of seniority(principle

of rota quota).


Is a SC/ST Government

servant promoted by virtue of

rule of reservation entitled to

consequential seniority?

Yes. A SC/ST Government servant

on promotion by virtue of rule of

reservation roster will be entitled

for consequential seniority.

O.M. No. 22011/1/2001-Estt.(D)



Can a General/OBC category

Government servant

promoted through a later DPC

regain his seniority of the

feeder grade on promotion to

higher grade?

No. A General/OBC category

officer promoted through a later

DPC will be placed junior to the

SC/ST category Government

servant promoted through earlier

DPC even though by virtue of rule

of reservation.

O.M. No. 22011/1/2001-Estt.(D)



What is co-relation between

seniority in a grade and

reservation roster for other



Whether a candidate is placed

in the seniority list of a grade,

as per his position in the

reservation roster or viceversa?

There is no co-relation between

seniority in a grade and the

reservation roster for the said

grade. Seniority of an officer is

determined as per order of merit

given by UPSC or selecting

authority or panel of promotion

given by DPC. A reservation

roster/points are meant only for

identifying the vacancy that goes to

a particular category of officer


How the relative seniority of

direct recruit and promotee is


The relative seniority of direct

recruit and promotee is determined

according to rotation of vacancies

between available direct recruits

and promotees which is based on

quota of vacancies reserved for

direct recruitment and promotion

respectively in the recruitment


O.M. No. 35014/2/80-Estt.(D)

dated 07.02.1986


How year of availability in

regard to determination of

relative seniority of direct

recruits and promotee is


The year of availability, both in

case of direct recruit as well as

promotee, for the purpose of

rotation and fixation of seniority is

actual date of appointment after

declaration of result/selection and

completion of pre-recruitment

formalities, as prescribed. The

year of availability is a vacancy

year in which a candidate of a

particular batch of selected direct

recruitment or an officer of a

particular batch of promotee joins

the post/service.

O.M. No. 22011/1/2006-Estt.(D)

dated 03.03.2008


Is a candidate appointed

against the carry forward

vacancy of earlier recruitment

year, allow the seniority of the

year in which the vacancy


No. The seniority of direct recruits

and promotees is delinked from the

vacancy and year of vacancy.

O.M. No. 35014/2/80-Estt.(D)

Dated 07.02.1986


What is the starting point in

the recruitment roster for the

purpose of inter-se seniority

of officers through direct

recruitment, promotion,

absorption etc.

The starting point in the

recruitment roster for the purpose

of inter-se seniority of officers

through direct recruitment,

promotion, absorption etc. will be

as per provisions contained

DOP&T’s O.M.No.28011/6/76-

Estt.(D) dated 24th June, 1978.


How the seniority of an Officer

absorbed after being on

deputation or absorbed

directly without being on

deputation determined?

The seniority of an Officer

absorbed after being on deputation

or absorbed directly without being

on deputation, If he has been

holding already (on the date of

absorption) the same or equivalent

grade on regular basis in his

parent department, is determined

from the date he has been holding

the post on deputation or the date

from which he has been appointed

on a regular basis to the same or

equivalent grade in his parent

department whichever is earlier.

The fixation of seniority in

aforesaid manner, however, will

not effect any regular promotion to

the next higher grade made prior

to the date of such absorption.

O.M. No. 22011/1/2000-Estt.(D)

Dated 27.03.2001


How seniority of two or more

surplus employees of a

particular grade in an office

determined in the event of

their simultaneous selection

for re-deployment in another


In this case, inter-se seniority in

particular grade, on re-deployment

in the latter office, would be the

same as it was in the previous


O.M. No. 9/22/68-Estt. (D) Dated



How seniority of a reemployed

officer determined?

For determination of seniority of

re-employed officer is treated as

direct recruit. Where Recruitment

Rules of the post against which

appointment is being made

prescribed re-employment as a

distinct mode of recruitment .then

The inter-se seniority of persons so

re-employed shall be determined in

accordance with order of selection.

The relative seniority of persons so

re-employed in relation to direct

recruits and promotees shall be


Where the Recruitment Rules

prescribes specific quota for each

of the categories (direct

recruitment, promotion and reemployment)

then seniority is

determined on the basis of rotation

of vacancies based on the said


In other cases, on the basis of

chronology of selection.

O.M. No. 20011/3/80-Estt(D)

Dated 16.06.1980


How the seniority of a

meritorious sports person

appointed in relaxation of

Recruitment Rules


Where sportsmen are recruited

through the Employment

Exchange or by direct

advertisement and are considered

along with other general category

candidates, they may be assigned

seniority in the order in which

they are placed in the panel for

selection. Where recruitment to a

post is through a selection made

by the Staff Selection Commission,

whether by the competitive

examination or otherwise, the

sportsmen recruited in the

department themselves should be

placed en bloc junior to those who

have already been recommended

by the Staff Selection Commission.

The inter se-seniority of

sportsmen will be in the order of



dated 4.8.1980


How the seniority of a person

appointed on compassionate

grounds is determined?

A person appointed on

compassionate ground in a

particular year is placed at the

bottom of all the candidates

recruited/appointed through direct

recruitment, promotion etc. in that

year, irrespective of date of joining

of candidate on compassionate


O.M. No. 20011/1/2008-Estt.(D)

dated 11.11.2010


How seniority of persons

selected for appointment to

different posts in the same

grade requiring different

qualification determined?

The seniority of persons selected

for appointment to different posts

in the same grade requiring

different qualifications is

determined as per provisions of

para 4.9 of O.M. No.

20011/1/2008-Estt.(D) dated


(Smita Kumar)






(a)    the process of renewal and issuance of CGHS cards to the beneficiaries;

(b)     whether the CGHS beneficiaries have to stand in queue for several days for obtaining the CGHS cards;

(c)     if so, the reasons for not adopting any centralised system for distribution of the CGHS cards;

(d)     whether there is any proposal to adopt any new convenient procedure for renewal of the said cards; and

(e)     if so, the details thereof and the time by which it is likely to be implemented?

Ordnance Factory Korwa trade test result


On the basis of the Written Examination held on 30.10.2011 and Trade Tests held on 22.11.2011 and 23.11.2011, following candidates have been provisionally selected in their respective trades. Their appointment will be subject to final verification of their certificates, character and antecedents verified from civil authorities.

The candidates will be separately intimated for medical test and collection of PVR form.

selected candidates list –CLICK HERE


Family pension - list of documents

No. 11/6/2011- P&PW(E)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel. Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Pension & Pensioners Welfare
(Desk ‘E’)

3’ Floor Lok Nayak Bhavan,
New Delhi the 8th December, 2011

Office Memorandum

Sub: Family pension - list of documents to be submitted by a claimant member of family (other than spouse) along with Form 14. PPO and death certificate in respect of the deceased pensioner/family pensioner - regarding.

Flexible Complementing Scheme for Promotion of Scientists

Flexible Complementing Scheme (FCS) for in-situ promotion of scientists/technical personnel in the scientific Departments as a career advancement scheme is operative as per modified FCS guidelines, issued by DoPT after the 6th Central Pay Commission (CPC). As per the same, the Modified Assured Career Progression (MACP), as approved for Central Govt. civilian employees would also be applicable to scientists covered under FCS.

Fourth Meeting of the National Anomaly Committee


F.No.11/2/2008-JCA Vol.(II)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Personnel and Training
(JCA Section)

North Block, New Delhi,
Dated the 2nd December, 2011


Subject: Fourth Meeting of the National Anomaly Committee.

The undersigned is directed to say that the Fourth Meeting of the National Anomaly Committee to discuss the anomalies arising out of the implementation of the recommendations of the Sixth Central Pay Commission is scheduled to be held on Thursday, the 5th January, 2012 at 3.00 P.M. in Room No.119, North Block, New Delhi, Secretary, Department of Personnel & Training will chair the Meeting.

Minimum Pension to Workers Covered by EPFO

Minimum Pension to Workers Covered by EPFO

The recommendations of the Pension Implementation Committee (PIC) of the Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation to increase the minimum pension amount to Rs. 1000 per month is to be placed before Central Board of Trustees, Employees Provident Fund {(CBT(EPF)} in its ensuing meeting for its consideration.

Employment News-Job Highlights (03 DECEMBER 2011 - 09 DECEMBER 2011)

Government Jobs : Start your job search with Employment News…

Job Highlights (03 DECEMBER 2011 - 09 DECEMBER 2011)

Staff Selection Commission invites applications for recruitment of Constables (General Duty) in CPOs and Rifleman (General Duty) in Assam Rifles-2012.

Staff Selection Commission (Southern Region) requires Sepoy.

Syndicate Bank invites applications for recruitment of Agricultural Assistants in Clerical Cadre.

Vijaya Bank invites applications for recruitment of Specialist/Generalist Officers.

Uttranchal Gramin Bank requires Officer Scale-I and Office Assistants.

State Bank of India requires Consultants.

Indian Oil Corporation Limited, requires Junior Engineering Assistants-IV in various disciplines.

Indian Space Research Organisation requires Assistants and Junior Personal Assistant.

Indo Tibetan Border Police Force invites applications for the posts of Assistant Sub-Inspector (Pharmacist), Assistant Sub Inspectors (Laboratory Technician) and Head Constables (Midwife).

Hindustan Aeronautics Limited, Kanpur requires Technician Trainees and Diploma Trainees.

Central Institute of Fisheries Technology, Willingdon Island, Matsyapuri requires T-3 (Technical Assistant).

Indian Railway Catering and Tourism Corporation Limited, New Delhi requires Assistant Plant Managers, Assistant Managers, Micro-Biologists, Assistant Supervisors and Supervisor Quality Control.


(a) whether there is any anomaly between the employees of Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan and Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti for provident fund and pension;
(b) if so, the details thereof alongwith the reasons therefor; and

(c) the steps taken by the Government in this regard?

Scheme for Payment of Pension to Government Pensioners by Authorised Banks

Scheme for Payment of Pension to Government Pensioners by Authorised Banks

Reserve Bank of India (the Bank) monitors disbursement of pension by its agency banks in respect of all Central Government Departments (except the Department of Post) and certain State Governments. It has been receiving several queries/ complaints from pensioners in regard to fixation, calculation and payment of pension including revision of pension/ Dearness Relief from time to time, transfer of pension account from one bank branch to another, etc.




(a) whether the Government proposes to raise the retirement age of teachers having post graduation degree from 60 to 65 years;
(b) if so, the details thereof; and

(c) the action taken by the Government in this regard?



(a) the number of applications of freedom fighters from each State still pending with the Union Government;
(b) the efforts made so far by the Government to clear these applications;

(c) whether any irregularities have been reported in the sanction of pension to some freedom fighters;
(d) if so, the details thereof;




(a) whether the Government has agreed to sanction freedom fighters pension to the freedom fighters of Telangana Region who had participated in Hyderabad Liberation Movement;
(b) if so, the details thereof;

Interpretation of dependency criterion for grant two family pensioners under the CCS(pension) rules, 1972- regarding

No 1/11/2011-P&PW(E)
Government of India
Ministry of personnel, PG and pension
Department of pension & pensioners welfare

Lok Nayak Bhawan Khan  Market.
New Delhi The 30th November 2011


SUB: Interpretation of dependency criterion for grant two family pensioners under the CCS(pension) rules, 1972- regarding

Creation of New Grade NFSG for UDC

Creation of New Grade NFSG for UDC

The Government has created a new grade Non-Functional Selection Grade (NFSG) for UDC in the grade pay of Rs. 4200/- in Pay Band-2 in Central Secretarial clerical Services (CSES). The pay of the employees of the State government is the subject matter of the State concerned and it is not in the purview of the Central Government to issue any instruction in this regard.